Mara Herefords

The Blossoms came to us from the Badlingham Herd; undoubtedly the most successful line in the breed today. Blossom 6 was the first Blossom to ever leave Badlingham (top priced female of the sale) and out of the same dam as Badlingham Bossy who became a very successful sire in South Africa for Shang Moorcroft. Blossom 6 bred Prestone Blossom P18 who went on to win Senior female Champion at the Royal Show. P18 then bred Prestone Blossom T7 and U24. Blossom T7 was one of the foundation females at the Mara. In 1987 Blossom U24 was Grand Female Champion and T7 stood Reserve to her at the Royal Show. Blossom T7 produced two full brothers by Prestone Boxer who were very successful in the show ring; the elder Mara Chancellor was Reserve Supreme Champion at East of England in 1988, and his younger brother, Mara Democrat was 1st in his class at the Royal and Tenbury the same year. In 1988 Mara Blossom D12 took Reserve Junior Champion at Tenbury.
M. Blossom 33 M. Epic M. Blossom 32 M. Blossom 31
M Blossom 31 M. Blossom 26 P. Blossom U24 P. B T7, U24, & P18
Click on
photo to enlarge.
P. Blossom T7 & P18 P. Blossom N11 M. Blossom 33