Mara Herefords

FH Diamond ET
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2000 Edmonton Farm Fair Grand Champion Bull
2000 Canadain Western Agribition Senior Champion Bull
Dunrobin 603 87J
Sire of
Triple A 87J Maximus 4M
b. 11/02/02 Full Brother to FH Diamond ET
2003 Agribition Champion Bull & Agribition Supreme Champion Bull over all Breeds.
Weaning Wgt: 815 lbs Yearling Wgt: 1350 lbs
Maximus 4M is one of those yearlings a stockman dreams about. He is that complete package everyone strives for in the beef business. It was amazing at Agribition how many other breeders of other breeds came to the stall just to see Max. Max is a flat-shouldered individual, yet maintains extreme thickness, length of body and a square hip that travels right down into his hock. He is pigmented on both eyes and has a tremendous thick hair coat. Everyone comments on how fluent Max can travel and how good his feet are and the amount of bone he possesses. At Agribition, he scaled at 2166 lbs and had a scrotal circumference of 42 cm.
Max's sire, Dunrobin 603 87J, was 2000 Edmonton Farm Fair Grand Champion Bull and 2000 Agribition Senior Champion Bull. He is a direct son of the HH Homebuilder 603, which was Reserve Champion Bull in Denver in 1998. The 87J calves have done a phenomenal job at St Arnaud Farms. Max was the 2002 Manitoba Bull Calf Champion and Overall Grand Champion Bull as a calf and also 2002 Agribition Bull Calf Champion. A year later, 2003, Max was named Jr. Champion Bull and Overall Grand Champion Bull in Manitoba as a yearling. He was also named 2003 Agribition Grand Champion Bull at the Canadian National Show and went on to become the Supreme Champion Bull over all Breeds from 11 Major North American Shows. He is the first Hereford Bull to ever accomplish this honour.
What completes Max is his Mother. She is a direct Silver 26E daughter. She has a picture perfect udder, with easy fleshing ability in a moderate sized package. She is full of maternal power. This year she weaned off our heaviest heifer calf at 820 lbs.
This Spring we calved out 25 cows that were bred to Maximus 4M. His calves are everything we expected. The calves are long sided, thick topped and have lots of natural thickness just like Max. Their birth weights ranged from 82 lbs to 102lbs and we had no trouble calving them out.